RTI Workshop – 2

RTI Workshop - 2
We conducted our second RTI workshop on 24/05/2015. The workshop went awesome with 10 participants: Akshyaa, Sowmya, Aarya, Ganesh, Gowtham Ravi, Arvind, Hitesh, Shiva, Balachander and Kanchan. The agenda of the session is as follows: Introduction about RTI Some common civic, social issues that we face everyday. How we can combat those issues with RTI. Scams revealed through ...

2015 – Q1 Report 1

2015 - Q1 Report
RTI to followup on our previous traffic complaints To follow up on our complaints given on Traffic violators, we filed a RTI last year, enquiring on the status of the complaints. We got a response from saidapet and guindy Inspectors that Action has been taken on our complaints and reports sent to their higher authority. It ...

MRP Sting Operation @ CMBT Terminus 3

MRP Sting Operation @ CMBT Terminus
What we Achieved? Rs. 1,20,000 / month is saved from going to wrong Pockets with a bunch of 8 committed citizens, a 2 day plan and 2 hour activity. How? Let’s say a Biscuit Packet priced Rs. 15 is overpriced and sold at Rs. 17. That is Rs. 2 per Packet. For a minimum sales ...