Its been more than 6 months since we filed complaints to 10 departments on the sad state of Adyar and Cooum Rivers. We didn’t hear from even one of the department regarding our Complaint, which is expected.
So we filed our second set of RTIs, to enquire into the status of our complaints. Some of the questions are:
- Copies of all Documents / Instructions issued by [the respective Department] to any other departments and its sub-ordinates, for redressal of the complaint.
- Certified copies of Inspection Reports (if any) on the status of Adyar and Cooum Rivers based on Complaint.
- List of illegal outlets found during your Inspection.
- Certified Copies of Documents containing the decision taken (if any) by E&F authorities in Collaboration with Chennai Rivers Restoration Trust, Chennai Corporation, CMWSSB, Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board, Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board, Public Works Department and/or Municipal Administration and Water Supply.
As with the previous set of RTIs, the government officials played football with this set of RTIs too. And we made another infographic that depicts the irresponsible responses from the PIOs / FAAs
Points to be Highlighted
- In January 2014, Christopher Nelson, State Information Commissioner writes an order to the PIO/FAA to provide information to us and report to TNIC by February 2014, but posts that Order two months later, in March, 2014 !!! Hence the PIO completely ignored the order !!!
- TNPCB cheated us by getting Rs. 22 as RTI Fee and not providing the requested Information.
- In Corporation of Chennai, all the zones who don’t have any link with the rivers replied to us stating that `Adyar, Cooum rivers doesn’t come under their Jurisdiction`.
- Superintending Engineer, Storm Water Drain Department, Corporation of Chennai said “Since complaint is given on more than 100 locations, we cant send our officers to all spots to prepare report“. Authorities these days openly started declaring that they wont do their duty…
- Environment and Forest made excellent escape attempt by forwarding all our RTIs, First Appeals to other departments.
- Improper, Irrelevant Information provided by Public Works Department.
- None of the Departments / Authorities took any action on our Original Complaint filed on Feb, 2013.